Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Attention Deficit Dis..

My brain travels at a speed unmeasurable by man. I think of so many brilliant many...but then, oh! next thought. Previous brilliant idea gone. Then it sits, just beyond my reach, like a vivid dream slips away moments after waking. 
It makes me sad, almost. All the beautiful stories, thoughts, idea, that could have been. Should have been. 
I could be great, if only I could keep up with my thoughts. Even now, I can't keep up. They're always racing. Faster, faster, faster.  It's as if they don't want to be remembered. They want to stay secret. Locked away. 
We know you're genius, but the rest of the world can't know. 
It's not fair. It drives me crazy. I can think three, four steps ahead...but then, where'd step one go? I can't slow down. Stop and smell the roses? Please. I can barely stop for my next cup of coffee.  Oh, that could be the problem. 
Coffee. The root of all insanity. 
The problem is, when I go without it, my brain doesn't move. It stalls. No thoughts, no brilliance, just throbbing nothing. 
There is no happy medium. There is no well-controlled, non-socially awkward (side effect of skipping step one often), brilliant girl. There is me. A very, very weird and awkward, wibbly-wobbly girl with a notebook. 
I don't think I'd have it any other way. 
I think a confident, put-together, version of myself would scare the living daylights out of me. After all, we're all just stories in the end. Might as well make it an interesting one, eh? And what is more interesting than a girl who messes everything up because she can't control her mind?

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