Sunday, August 4, 2013

excuse me.

I like to walk. After really stressful days, I like to run as far away as I can and walk back. I walk to the Walgreens down the street once or twice a week for the little things I always forget. It's therapeutic. 
Running at night is my favorite.  It's so much more peaceful. Also, stranger danger is half the fun. Keep running, I saw a weird shadow. Keep going so they don't get you. 
I don't live in a bad part of town. I actually live in a great part of town. Nights like tonight make me consider moving to daytime, though. 
Three things. I needed three things from Walgreens, so I got my ass up and walked. The walk there was perfect: summer breeze, no one else on the sidewalk, and no random honks from cars driving by.  The walk back was not so great. 
I wasn't listening to music (I was enjoying the night), so I heard a car slow down.  It struck me as odd as I wasn't near a stoplight. 
"Excuse me, do you need a ride? I work at the Marriott." 
Really? Okay, creepy old man with the BMW, I was totally not going to accept a ride from you, but since you work at the Marriott...that changes everything! I laced my fingers through my keys as I told him I was walking on purpose and did not, in fact, need a ride.
He drove off without another word. 
I was on edge the rest of the way home. Every car that passed gave my heart a little jolt. Perhaps I should brave the heat and go during the day from now on...maybe even sleep with my pepper spray on my nightstand.  Stranger danger isn't such an appealing motivational tool anymore. 

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