Tuesday, July 23, 2013

erotic love?

Opening a new group home is pretty difficult. Before you can even find a house, you have to have clients to move in. You can't put money down on a house and then, oops!, only two clients are ready to move in. They can't afford it and we can't afford to have a staff with only two clients. The most important thing, though, is making sure it is staffed when it's ready. That means, we have four staff hired and trained by the time we're ready for everyone to move in.  That means, we have four staff floating around in no-mans land waiting until the position they were hired for actually exists.  
If it will actually exist. 
We ran into some trouble during this process.  One of the girls suddenly isn't ready to make the move from her parents house yet.  No new group home.  Not yet. Now these staff stuck in no-mans land have a choice: they can accept another open position, switch to on-call status, or find another job. 
That is a tough call to make. It's awkward telling someone, "I know you were hired for those hours in that house, but it won't be available for a few months. We do have these hours at this house available, if you want them. There's also this position in vocational of you want day hours instead."
Two staff accepted other positions. The other two were proving hard to get on the phone. 
One evening, my office mate and I were making our last attempts before we turned in the personnel form stating abandonment. That's when we made the discovery that she had one of the phone numbers wrong. She looked through her call list to see where the mistake happened and found another number she thought could be the staff's. It was an incoming call number that happened an hour before this staff was scheduled for training the week before, so she called the number to check. 
"Hello, this is Samantha, am I speaking with Diane?" 
"No, this isn't Diane. This is a business."
"Oh, this is a business, too. I was trying to get ahold of one of my staff. Which business is this?"
"This is Erotic Love."
"Oh, I definitely have the wrong number. Sorry."
She hung up the phone and we laughed until we were in tears. We finally got ahold of that staff, who claimed her phone was broken so she had used a friend's that day. That answer raised more questions, but we agreed that it was best they go unanswered.  There are some things you're better off not knowing. 

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