Monday, July 22, 2013


First day back after vacation and I've already decided I need a clone. That technology needs to be perfected right now. I can multitask the shit out of anything, but I think I've reached maximum capacity. 
My desk, as my lovely coworker put so delicately on a sticky note in the middle of my monitor, is a hot mess. 
I am a hot mess. 
As soon as I get on a roll and my paperwork is getting done (fully this time), my phone rings and it's time to switch gears. Crisis mode flips on and I end up in a doctor's office with a shrieking baby and his obnoxious older sisters fighting over a half eaten apple and a Spider-Man coloring book. That's if I'm lucky. Sometimes I end up sitting in one of the houses until 1030 pm; playing therapist. If I had a clone, I could be at the pharmacy and in a meeting in opposite sides of town. Just think of the efficency. 
Until this happens, I'll just have to make due with 12 hour days in a dress and heels, running all over the city, and answering emails at stop lights (not that I actually do that...that would be bad...). 
It would be nice if everything would run smoothly in the meantime. Especially since I'm ridiculously behind after taking one day off. I can dream, but I doubt it'll work out that way. One day off and five doctors had to be called, I lost a staff for two months, and someone has a new WebMD diagnosis and needs to be at the doctor ASAP before her lung collapses. 
So much to do...can I go back to the lake where I had no responsibilities? I had the doctors office with the Keurig to look forward to today, but the only stupid circle insert thingys left are sleepytime tea and decaf breakfast blend. Time to try and trick my mind into thinking decaf has caffeine and make a list of everything that needs to be done today. 
I wonder if I could convince my boss to let me hire a "clone." 

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