Monday, July 29, 2013

week from hell.

I am being punished for something. That's got to be it. I did something to piss karma off and now I'm paying for it. 
Last week I spent a total of 10 hours in two separate hospitals. It would have only been five in one...if they had listened to me. After the third hour, when the behavioral specialist finally showed up, she had plenty of flirt time with the nurse (he was very cute) and was in such a good mood that she smiled and said, "I feel great and I want to go home. I won't hurt myself or anyone else." More smiles and a hug for the nurse and we were out the door. 
Not even 12 hours later, we were at a speciality center. Police escort and all. The first question one of the officers asked me after I filled him in:
"Why was she even released last night?" 
While they argued over wether I was pessimistic or realistic, they agreed that if they had my job, they wouldn't be able to handle it. 
"How do you still have hair on your head? I would have pulled all mine out by now." 
That should be a sign. I should probably listen to the police officer telling me that my job is too much stress. Instead, I stood in front of him, trying to convince her to calm down so they can take the handcuffs off. She stood up and screamed and in that second the officers were in front of me and my toes were smashed. My baby toe looks like a blueberry. 
Her roommates knew where she was as soon as they realized she wasn't going home that night. They took turns calling their parents, who then took turns calling my boss and the state; complaining that I didn't call them and let them know. 
This is the point where I want to be rude, too. Really? Do you want me to call her guardian when your daughter does something at work? Just because she messed up and needs help that we can't really give her, does not mean she doesn't have a right to privacy. Really. 
All of this, plus the paperwork that goes with it, plus another girl constantly going AWOL, plus staff that leave the country with almost no notice, plus my own ridiculous personal life with my increasingly worse boy problems...
I am being punished. 
Now, instead of catching up, I'm sitting in another waiting room.  
I'm surprised I have any sanity left...although I've noticed a significant decrease in that. I can't keep days straight. I can't remember where I'm going once I start the car. I can barely eat with my stomach constantly turning. 
Maybe I should follow the police officer's indirect advice. I don't like this view being a regular part of my day:

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